My Journey
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (2013-2015)
Dual Specialisation: Marketing and Finance
Institute of Management and Information Science, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Master of Science in Computer Science (CS) (2010-2012)
SCHOOL OF INFORMATION & COMPUTER SCIENCES, Department of Computer Science, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Management(ITM) (2007-2010)
Honours: Software Design (with distinction and university rank holder)
SCHOOL OF INFORMATION & COMPUTER SCIENCES, Department of ITM, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha
Partner Growth Strategy Program by Forum and TTBS
Certified Information Security Expert(CISE) Level 1 by InnoBuzz
Seminars and Conferences Participated:
- Various Seminars and Workshops at Institute of Management and information Science, Bhubaneswar.
- National Seminar on Software Engineering, latest trends and developments (NSSE-2011)Jan 15-16, 2011 at Silicon Institute of Technology, BBSR, Odisha.
- National Conference on Next Generation Communication and Computing (NGCC-2010)Dec 23-24, 2010 at NMIET, BBSR, Odisha.
Co-Founder and Designated Partner- PractoMind Solutions LLP (Feb 2016-Present)
With an aim to provide affordable solutions to its clients, PractoMind stood on its strong fundamentals of always delivering the best. With a vision of “Connecting local businesses to global opportunities” the company aims to constantly work on innovation in the field of Education, Web Solution and Business Services. The company is currently building an exciting business model in education domain with specific focus on Rural Education Quality through its brand Mo Pathashala.
Co-Founder and Trustee- PractoMind Foundation (Jan 2019-Present)
PractoMind Foundation has been started to support the cause behind Mo Pathashala and is a nonprofit organization mainly in the field of Education. The mission of the Trust is not yet set but we aim to modernize Rural Reach in the areas of Education, Health and Social Status.
Co-Founder- Mo Pathashala (Dec 2014-Present)
Mo Pathashala as an initiative has been started in the Kumarpur Panchayat of Cuttack District, Odisha during December 2014. It has then been formally operational from Feb 2016 as a brand under PractoMind Solutions LLP and now is being operated under PractoMind Foundation.
Mo Pathashala aims to offer an engaging and active learning model designed to utilize both the conventional and modern learning techniques for the all round development of the student and society at large. We can fully assure the parents and guardians of students that Mo Pathashala is determined to produce young talents who are intellectually expert, physically strong, morally upright, aesthetically sensitive, socially committed and economically self-reliant.
The vision is “To create a quality education system for the overall development of students in Higher Secondary level and to achieve 100% literacy rate.”
Co-Founder- Dream House Publications (Dec 2013-Jan 2017)
The basic aim of Dream House Publications is to give the freedom to all talented writers with a chance to get them published. We believe there are thousands of talented writers hidden who have been underestimated by conventional publishers and cheated by some of self publishing associations. We at DREAM HOUSE have tried to solve such situations. We neither refuse to publish nor keep you waiting for the answers. We promise we must walk with you to find your dream and destination as a successful writer.
Indeed, there is a first time for everyone, but we believe when there is a will there is a way. And that’s the spirit to meet someone’s destination.
Freelance Web and Application Developer, Blogger, Writer(Mar 2011 – Present)
- Founder of and
- Providing freelance website development, maintenance, domain and hosting service as well as other services.
- Article writer at various technical websites.
Tutor at various Institutes (May 2010 – May 2011, June 2013- July 2015)
- Working as a tutor for IT related courses at various institutes at Cuttack.
- Mainly thought +2 Sc. IT Students and Engineering students.
- Project guide for various student projects.
For details about my entire career, work and ventures please visit my LinkedIn profile.
1. Vodafone Strikeforce 2016-2017 (Sep 1, 2017 – Vodafone India Limited)
Vodafone Strikeforce recognises top lot of Vodafone India employees from verticals like SnM, VBS, Retail, mpesa, and others who have shown that extra mile to achieve their goals and in broad sense added value to the organisation. The recognition is in the form of once a life time week-long foreign trip and direct appreciation by COO and CEO of Vodafone India. This year the flag is raised at Munich and Prague for the elite workforce of this elite organization.
2. Business Head Club for the period April-July 2016 (Vodafone Mobile Services Limited)
Business Head Club at Vodafone India recognizes top performing talents across functions to reward and motivate them towards great success ahead.
Other achievements include,
- Best Student and 4th Rank Holder for PGDM 2013-2015 of IMIS, Bhubaneswar
- Won First prize in Brandemonium organized by Marketing Club of IMIS, Bhubaneswar
- Secured second position in FinQuiz organised by Finance Club of IMIS, Bhubaneswar
- Editors’ Choice Award from DotNetSpider (
- Member Of The Week (
- Member Of The Month (,
- Rajya Puraskar Holder in Scouts and Guides
Freelancing Activities
1. Website Development –, Odisha (freelancer) March 2011 – Present
Designed and deployed several websites for individuals and different companies for their different requirements. Also handled the domain registration and hosting account, webmail accounts of the clients. The full list of websites developed can be found at
2. eCommerce website – August 2013 – Dec 2013
- Developed and deployed the entire portal using OpenCart CMS.
- Product page design, Logo Design and SEO activities have been completed.
3. Prosper Group Website Developement – November 2013 – February 2014
This website is developed for a China based machinery manufacturing company,”Prosper Group” to showcase there products and there features. This website is completely created in ASP.NET and uses some JQuery and other scripts for the slider and product gallery. More than 150 products pages are being hosted in the website.
4. Website Development and Management –, Odisha August 2013
- The website is developed for an upcoming publication house in Odisha.
- Site is supported by a CMS in the backend.
- Works done include, logo design, content development, SEO, website management.
5. Web Based Customer Portal –, Mohali April 2012
- Developed and deployed the entire portal using ASP.NET and C# with MSSQL Server 2008 as per the client requirement.
- Used simple encryption technique and “captcha” text to make the application secure.
- The application uses code based registration and passwords are being stored in database in encrypted format.
- This portal is used by the company for accepting new registration and helps them in managing their members in an easy, convenient and secure way.
Graduation Level Projects
1. Patient and Medical Report Management – Ravenshaw University, Cuttack April 2010
- Developed the application as graduate project to provide an interface to the public to access their medical report and interact with their doctors.
- Used ASP.Net and C# with MS SQL Server 2008 and also work on a simple encryption technique and “captcha” based form submission.
2. Library Management System – Ravenshaw University, Cuttack May 2009
- Developed a simple Library Managemnt System in C# to be used by the departments of the university.
- The user has option to check the inventory, issue/ return books, adding of new books and searching of books in an easy manner with separate views for admin and users.
3. Mobile Automation System using C– Ravenshaw University, Cuttack March 2008
- It is a simple basic level C application using C Graphics and Structures using the file concept
- This application demonstrates the use of customer support application by mobile operators for various purposes like, recharge, query management, profile management, etc.